HLS Education Center

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Proofreading and corrections - why proofreading?

Linguistic weaknesses of your bachelor’s and master’s thesis have an impact on the quality of the work, regardless of content-related criteria, an impact on the quality of the work and consequently also an impact on the grade! Conversely, your grade will be improved automatically if you have it edited professionally. 

Many students usually leave the proofreading of their bachelor’s or master’s thesis to their friends or family. The professionalism of this inspection is not always given, however, and defects can make the assessment of the work worse. To prevent this, it is worthwhile to use professional proofreading. Our team of editors has a lot of experience in this area. We would be happy to proofread and proofread your bachelor or master thesis! There is also an improvement in spelling and grammar. We also optimize your thesis with regard to your layout and the formalities of the respective university.

An overview of our services for you:

  • correct spelling and punctuation
  • correct grammar (e.g. correct tense / subjunctive) and syntax
  • uniform spelling and abbreviations
  • Avoidance of filler words and redundancies
  • correct application and differentiation of dashes and dashes
  • appropriate formulations and appropriate choice of words (level and scientific)
  • Common thread check (check of logic and logical coherence)
  • Formalities of the respective university (e.g. citation, spelling when citing)
  • Feedback from our team of editors on your work
  • Optimization of the layout and correct formatting

We are happy to help!

Write to us or call us:
e-mail: service@hls-sprachschule.de
phone: 0201 84386020

Quick Facts

An overview of your advantages


• Proofreading
• Corrections
• translations


• Reformulations
• Suggestions for improvement
• Assistance


• very fast correction up to two days!

good grades

All students who have benefited from our editing have received good grades

no time pressure

You have no time pressure and we will do the correction for you!

Proofreading and checking your documents - the process

The process begins with the request you make to us. Send us your documents with your request. Then follow these steps:




We will send you an offer. After arranging the appointment, we start with the correction.



Your documents will be corrected in the period discussed. After the check you will get it back immediately.


If you are not satisfied with the corrected documents, please give us feedback. We will continue to correct until you agree with the result. ATTENTION: Please inform us immediately after receiving the documents.

General information on theses

  • With the introduction of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs, the final theses have also changed. There is less a uniform study that ends with a diploma, but the subject areas have been divided into three study sections.
  • The first degree is completed after three years with a bachelor’s thesis. After graduation you get an academic degree, the Bachelor. This is the first academic degree in academic higher education.
  • Then there is the possibility to complete a master’s degree, which concludes with a master’s thesis or master thesis. The admission requirements are achieved with a bachelor’s degree.
  • After completing a master’s degree, a doctorate can be pursued. This is completed with a dissertation.
  • For all three theses, the choice of subject and the final editing is important, since both can influence the final grade immensely.

Do you have any further questions?

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