HLS Education Center

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Do you know that?

Do you know the situation that you learned German, attended courses and even obtained certificates, but the language is difficult to use in everyday life? 

Have you passed a language course and know a lot of vocabulary, the grammar is not difficult for you either, but you have problems speaking?

Do you have problems with your studies or work because the spoken language is too difficult despite language courses?

Junge Frau sitzt an einem Tisch und guckt nachdenklich und träumend, etwas frustriert aus dem Fenster

solution for you

SIMPLE speech seminar


50 lessons

maximum 6 persons

Unique teaching concept

Including teaching material worth 79 euros!

free drinks and snacks

individual lesson design

native speakers on site for questions

personal conversation about your everyday language life

personal contact person

your advantages

You will learn to use the German language. whether at work, at university or in everyday life. It also teaches the areas that have made it so difficult for you so far that you master everyday language.

You will feel comfortable. We attach great importance to your personal well-being! We create a harmonious and good learning atmosphere so that you can fully develop your potential. It will then be easier for you to understand the learning content, motivate you and encourage participation.

We offer you a large portfolio of language-related leisure activities. You can practice your language skills directly, get immediate feedback from your teacher and can develop quickly in a natural environment.

You need help? We are ready for any kind of question and will help you solve your problems. Whether for a visa, doctor’s visit, everyday life, studying, looking for a job, applications and much more. We will help you!

All teachers have a lot of experience in teaching language skills. Above all, they make sure that you also use them.


Now click on the button so that we can reserve a place for you

Quick Facts



We will analyze and point out together why you have difficulty speaking and which aspects of the language you have not learned yet.


We help you to recognize your difficulties, which are often not of linguistic nature. Those who recognize their problems can systematically solve them.


We help you develop your individual strategy for optimal language learning, based on your personality, your strengths and your everyday life. Everyone has a different everyday life and so not every learning strategy will work for everyone. We'll find yours!


We accompany you in the practical implementation of your learning and problem solving strategies so that you can overcome the challenge you are facing.



I attended some German courses beforehand and it didn't help me much. That has changed since I attended the SIMPLE SPEECH seminar at the HLS Education Center. I finally understood where my difficulties are and I am now trying to solve them. I can't speak perfectly yet, but I'm improving more and more.
Erfolgreich Deutsch lernen. Teilnehmerin hat Deutsch gelernt an einem Deutschkurs des HLS Education Centers. Junge Frau mit langen schwarzen Haaren lacht froh und zeigt mit der linken Hand ein Peace zeichen.
Si Qi Tang
marketing student
I had a great time in Germany. I did my courses at the HLS Education Center from B1 to C1. Before that I was in another language school in Essen and had difficulties with grammar. This has improved with a VIP grammar course. The courses were also a lot of fun and I learned a lot.
Mann mit Sonnenbrille lächelt.
Gao Zihao
design student
Learning the German language was difficult. I thought I couldn't do it before I had to apply for a job. But through the C1 course at the HLS Education Center, a language school in Essen, I managed to learn the language and now I have a great job at a German car dealership.
Erfolgreich Deutsch lernen. Teilnehmerin hat Deutsch gelernt an einem Deutschkurs der HLS Education Center. Junge Frau lächelt freundlich in die Kamera.
Ma Jing
Saleswoman at a car dealership
The courses are fun and the teachers create a great atmosphere. I finally felt I understood the language. I was accompanied individually and professionally in my difficulties and got DSH 2. Now I‘m off to university. Thank you, HLS Education Center!
Junge Frau lächelt im HLS Education Center.
Sandra Cano
Junger Mann lacht selbstbewusst.

the Coach

Simon Voss

Simon Voß is a personality coach and the initiator of German courses with a focus on speaking. In his oral communication seminars you will learn how the German language can become a normal part of your everyday life and how you can speak easily and successfully in any situation. To this end, he will not only include linguistic aspects, but he will increase the context of the language by additional learning fields.

You will learn methods that will help you use the language. You can also apply these methods to almost every area of life. 

To help you become more successful!

Some questions for you

What happens if you are still in the same place in a year as you are today?

What is your life like if you don’t solve your problem and nothing changes for you?

How do you look at your life in a year, what decision have you made?

What will your life be like when you have no more language problems?


What will your life be like when you have no more language problems?

What can you do?

How will you choose?

learn more effectively!

Learn more effectively! With our learning concept you will learn the German language effectively! You save a lot of time and energy.

become more successful!

Become more successful! Study better, work better, make more connections, find better jobs, being proficient in the German language will make your life in Germany more successful.

defeat you fear!

When you attend our courses, you are less afraid of challenging situations and can better master language challenges.

100 %
for you



study better

You can study faster and more easily because you understand everything, no longer have linguistic problems with lectures and seminars, and you also speak more convincingly.

work successful

With good colloquial language, you will get a job more quickly and convince everyone of yourself at job interviews. You will be able to better communicate with your German colleagues, and you will be able to successfully persuade others of your views through strong argumentation skills.

Establish new contacts more easily

You can establish new contacts more easily, on both a privat and professional level. Conversations become much easier and you have the ability to understand your counterpart correctly.

experience more joy

With language no longer being an obstacle you will be less stressed and able to enjoy life to the fullest. You can finally go shopping, ask questions, answer questions or make phone calls. You no longer have to be afraid of not understanding or misunderstanding something.


clearer expressions

You can express yourself better and describe your needs more easily and on point. If you are at the doctor and want to describe your worries or are shopping and you want to express your wishes, all of this is no longer a problem.

have a better life

Your everyday life becomes easier and more beautiful and you have more time for the important things. Annoying translation work, inquiries about words that are not understood are a thing of the past. Your reading and listening speed will be much faster.

your registration
Please enter your details here so that we can reserve a place for you!

Course information:
Course type*
Course start*
Duration of the course*
Desired number of hours
Payment methods

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